A good sleep; July 4; Ennio Morricone; Hail, Caesar!

Thanks to Air Supply, Saturday night’s sleep was the best I’d had in years. I was so well rested that I went around the house doing various tasks as soon as I woke up.

The app awarded me a silver badge.

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Maybe I slept so well because I was worn out. Saturday had been terribly hot. I finished mowing before noon; even so, the heat made me feel faint, and I had to recover on the couch for several hours.

Around the time I finished mowing, I noticed thick, black smoke drifting over from across the street. Fire trucks arrived quickly. Neighbors recorded video. Fortunately, it seems no one was hurt. I can’t say what was damaged: I’m not even sure which building was on fire; it may have been a trash heap, for all I know.

This weekend, also, a notoriously flammable apartment complex in South Bend caught fire. No one was hurt – people occasionally die there – but some tenants lost their possessions.

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Karin & I took Samuel on a stroll around the neighborhood. What with all the firecrackers, it was rather dangerous. Samuel slept through it, though. He also slept after sunset when the explosions were very loud indeed. Karin & I looked out our window at the smoky haze.

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Speaking of “fistfuls of dynamite”:

R.I.P. Ennio Morricone, whose music I listen to every month, if not every week.

And speaking of spaghetti westerns: how about that pasta lasso by Alden Ehrenreich?

Feeding Samuel, I watched Hail, Caesar! in installments. I’d been putting this movie off for years. Well, it was delightful. Two days later, I viewed it again, with Karin, and it was just as good. In a way, it’s easier to appreciate a great director (or two) by watching their fluff than by watching something more substantial (you aren’t distracted by the gravitas).

There are lots of perfect little touches in Hail, Caesar! My favorites involved Ehrenreich, the singing cowboy, whom I’d never seen before. I liked his lassoing. I also liked his enormous plate of beans.