Moving, pt. 4

A brutal couple of days of packing and moving; then, after tonight’s supper, an evening of book sorting – until the capitulation of my back and legs. Karin’s mom, Karin’s dad, and Carol – Karin’s dad’s girlfriend – acted as beasts of burden. They helped us to make many trips between the apartment and the house, carrying our things in SUVs.

And this was only a fraction of the month-long move.

Here is a photo of the living room’s current state:

The photo shows the living room’s good half. Beyond the rightmost bookcase are more stacks of books and many boxes filled with books.

To the left of the book-covered armchair is our TV.

I’m sitting outside the photo in another armchair on the other side of the TV. It, too, used to be filled with books. We required about an hour to clear them away so that I could sit on a chair in the living room.

Observe the white cardboard box. We got it from a supermarket. It used to carry eggs. Such boxes are the best ones for hauling books, I’ve heard.