A visit to Bethel

The snow is gone, and with it – at last – the LimeBike that obstructed my sidewalk all winter long.

This is hardly the end of our trouble with LimeBikes. On the contrary.

Not long ago, Karin & I noted a LimeBike that had been abandoned halfway up a narrow outdoor staircase.

To view South Bend’s grim future with LimeBikes, look no further than to China.

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Yesterday, I visited the man who was my boss when I worked in the library at Bethel College. We had lunch together in the cafeteria. He insisted that I finish the Ph.D., and he asked me to regularly send him my dissertation drafts. It was most kind of him. I wonder if this will help me to finish the degree.

I greeted the other faculty that I saw in the cafeteria. Some were pleased that I was there; others weren’t. I can tell when they aren’t pleased because first they pretend not to notice me, and then they coldly ask, “What brings you to campus?”

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All last week, I was sick; and now I worry that Karin has caught the bug.