
The Ecuadorian soccer schedue is winding down. Barcelona can no longer win the domestic league. The team still aims to qualify for next year’s Copa Libertadores.

The league title will be disputed between heroic Delfín, of Manabí Province, and dastardly Emelec. The final round consists of a two-game, home-and-away series. Emelec will be forced to stage its “home” game away from its own stadium due to an earlier misdeed (some Emelec fans burst open a water-filled plastic bag upon the manager of an opposing team).

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It’s the week before IUSB’s final exams, and tutoring is extended two hours later than usual – well into the night. I’ve been scheduled to work during most of these lonely hours. Karin sat with me tonight and pasted things into her animal sticker book.

I’m still reading the Inferno. All along, I’ve been having trouble visualizing hell. But these pictures of the wildfires in Ventura County, California, are helping a great deal.

(Thanks, Creighton P., for sharing the photos, which were published by the L.A. Times.)