April fragments
Alack/alas, only two entries for the month of March.
Also, I’m behind on my reading. My goal each year is to finish twenty-four books from May to April; this year, despite a rapid start, I’m stuck at twelve. As in most years, I’ll resort to reading Young Adult novels and a few very short, weightier works, e.g., A Psychological Study of Typography by Sir Cyril Ludowic Burt (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1959; xix + 57 pp) (requested from a storehouse at IU Bloomington).
That book helped me to decide that Plantin is my favorite font. I’ll use Plantin in my letter to the trustees of Bethel College.
That letter is now a tome.
My spring break at IUSB was two weeks ago. My spring break at the high school will begin on Friday.