
Sad news from Morocco: 2,900 killed by an earthquake. Sadder news from Libya: 11,300 killed by Storm Daniel. In Libya, dams broke, and there was considerable flooding.

Libyan watering projects have long been vexed. The country’s infrastructure is discussed in this two-year-old video by Un mundo inmenso:

There are no rivers in Libya, the video says. Well, it depends on what is meant by river. Libya’s Derna region has long been vulnerable to flooding, a fact which, to outsiders, might seem mysterious or paradoxical. It isn’t so to desert dwellers for whom the concept of a wadi is old hat.

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Pray for Samuel tonight. He may have eaten a few berries of toxic bittersweet nightshade. What I’m sure of is that he put some into his mouth and spit them out. (He insists they were delicious.)

He shows no ill effects, but their onset may be delayed as long as nineteen hours post-ingestion.