How to disqualify your textbook from the Christian college market

Ecuador, one goal; Peru, the last-placed team, two goals. The manner of the defeat left little to be hopeful about.

Due to other results, we’re still in third place. But we were similarly lofty at the beginning of the previous World Cup cycle. I’d say, we’re about to go into another tailspin.

It takes just one really poor game, and we’re in big trouble.

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No libertarian myself, I enjoy reading philosophy by libertarians and classical liberals (and by other fans of liberty-as-noninterference). These writers can be refreshingly plain-spoken. Jason Brennan is like this. So is Michael Huemer. (I assigned a chapter by Huemer when I lectured at Bethel a couple of months ago.) So, I was excited to read Brennan’s endorsement of Huemer’s new self-published book.

The best intro textbook ever, Brennan raves.

So, I gave the textbook a look.

It may be a good book. It may be a good textbook for a secular college. But it could never be used in a conservative Christian college. It has too many swear words, and the acknowledgments page includes this line:
I’d also like to thank … God, if He exists, for creating the universe; and Satan for not maliciously inserting many more errors into the text.
I’ll say this for Huemer: his writing is not obsequious; it doesn’t pander to anyone.

Except, maybe, to the agnostics and the Satanists.