
Karin: “Sometimes I think a lot about the word same.”

John-Paul: “How do you mean?”

Karin: “Well, sometimes I question whether it’s even possible for two different things to be exactly the same.”

John-Paul: “Me, too. …” (He canvases all the metaphysical options that were in print in 2003.)

John-Paul: “… and whereas I used to be undecided whether (a) there are such things as masses of water and there aren’t any such things as ice cubes or (b) there are such things as ice cubes and there aren’t any such things as masses of water, I now incline toward the latter view. …”

John-Paul: “… and here, on our shelves, are two anthologies devoted entirely to our topic. This one is edited by a guy who goes to church with our friend, X. It contains an article by a guy who served on my Uncle Y’s dissertation committee. … Would you like to read these anthologies?”

Karin: “Someday, maybe, Sweetie … do you like it when I think about such things?”

John-Paul: “Oh, yeeeessss …”