Looking forward

Karin & I’ll be married in one month and one week.

People ask me, have you any misgivings? No, I haven’t. Of the two of us, I’m clearly getting the better deal.

This doesn’t mean I never worry. I dreamed, last night, that we were at the church and that the ceremony was about to begin. I’d forgotten the suit I was meant to wear; and so I scurried from uncle to uncle, asking to swap outfits.

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My sweetie & I hoped to honeymoon in Scotland.

I was all set to take Lanark to read. We’d both been learning the poetry of William McGonagall.

The trip would cost us next to nothing: Karin’s grandpa would supply the airline miles. Alas, his travel agent tried to burden us with tours and hotels. The price became prohibitive.

We ended up booking the trip ourselves – to Utah – whose scenery is also lovely, but very different. This will be my chance to finally hunker down and study the Book of Mormon.