Poor Jasper

We took Jasper to the vet’s for the second time in about a month. … He howled all the time in the car. … At the vet’s, he hunched up his shoulders, puffed his fur out, and kept his ears at half-mast (three bad signs). … Of course, it didn’t comfort him that he had to get his shots. … He weighed an ounce more than he’d weighed during the previous visit, probably because this morning he’d eaten a chicken breast out of the trash. … When he arrived back at home, Ziva attacked him (apparently, this is common in multi-cat households. It happens because the returning cat smells awfully weird, having secreted so many stress chemicals). … She kept on attacking Jasper for several hours. … Karin tried distracting them both with some catnip, but Ziva still wouldn’t leave Jasper alone. … Now, at last, she’s ignoring him.

The poor beastie. … He hadn’t even wanted to go to the vet’s, in the first place.