Bad TV

So exhausting was our encounter with the mouse, I needed a two-week rest from blogging.

My parents have returned to Ecuador.

Ana & David have returned to Texas.

My old flatmate, Kenny, and his wife, Lara, have moved to California.

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This will be my second year living in Mary’s & Martin’s house. I resolve (a) to do more cleaning up out of love for Martin, and (b) to uncomplainingly watch more bad TV out of love for Mary, who needs to have bad TV playing as background noise while she grades her students’ homework. (Good TV distracts her too much.) She watches such dreck as Dawson’s CreekKitchen Nightmares16 and Pregnant; and Call the Midwife, which has a birth scene in each episode. Her best show by far is Downton Abbey; alas, I’ve viewed most of that show six or seven times, and I’m not sure I could endure much more of it. (All right, I could.) … To my surprise, I’m not minding slogging through Beverly Hills 90210. I forgive its characters for being so self-important, because they’re so naïve.